Board and team

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The Fondazione Claudia Lombardi per il teatro is, first of all, the people who are part of our team: discover here who they are and what they do for our organization.


Foundation Board


President: Claudia Lombardi

“I have followed contemporary drama performances by young theatre companies for many years, both in important theatres of the world as well as in the many smaller ‘off’ locations which offer performance space. It’s a world I know well and to which I now want to devote my time and energy. A part of that will, I hope in the near future, include the possibility of offering an artistic home for young companies where they can create and develop their projects.

To be able to discover and nurture young talent, and to contribute to their growth, was a motivating force for the creation of my Foundation. To support young theatre groups in the beginning of their professional life is the primary objective of this initiative.”






Vice President: Andrea Poretti

“In the course of life, we learn to regenerate by changing roles, or means of representation, in order to give voice to the multitude of ideals, emotions, objectives or even prosaic tasks that all make up what we can define as ‘being alive’.

In a historical moment in which the excess of communication inhibits real dialogue and diminishes the value of words,  the theatre, in the image of Caronte, ferries us from the unconscious to the conscious, from adolescence to adulthood, towards that space which allows us to define ourselves as “human”, and perhaps even more.

I embrace with joy and enthusiasm this initiative with the awareness of its cultural and social importance in this multicultural framework which is Ticino.”






Secretary: Stefano Orlandi

“My experience as an acting student at a theatre academy, and then successively as a founding member of a theatre company producing theatre performances for the last twenty years, and for the last 10 years managing a theatre company outside Milan, has left me with the conviction that ‘doing’ theatre means above all, cultivating relationships.

Today, more than ever, it is necessary to equip oneself with the tools to promote one’s own artistic development, and it is fundamental also to create valuable synergies with all the other components to allow an artist to work in a world which, in the context of production and distribution, is increasingly complex and segmented.

For a person starting a career in theatre today, whether a solo artist or within a company, one of the principal difficulties is to create a structure which values and promotes one’s work, while operating within the rules of organizations, of distribution and of administration.”




Director and artistic director: Ylenia Santo

“I see theatre as a bridge to project oneself into other people's worlds and, simultaneously, dig deeper into yourself and see yourself without fear nor prejudice.

What passionates me about this art form is not the aesthetic result, but the process of transformation that takes place within all participants, actors and spectators alike. That's because theatre requires a constant act of authenticity. It educates to being present here and now in a way that can't be postponed or displaced.

Today, I feel privileged to be able to contribute my acting and education experience to a reality that allows me to be confronted with new visions and concepts, perceiving myself in perpetual movement."




Facility manager: Sabino Lopez Praena








Organisation testinscena Competition: Paola A. Binetti











Press Office Italy: Maurizia Leonelli











English Translation Office: Maura Frölich











German Translation Office: Annett Hoepel











Webmaster: Marco Serventi