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Calendar People, the calendar for quality free-time

Calendar People is a web platform proposing a range of activities designed to restore serenity, energy and well-being to its participants.

Its activities are designed to bring people back together, rather than technological separation. A relief from daily stress, a return to contact with nature, a discovery of the region and its artisans, stepping away from technology and into activities where you can meet new people and make new friends.

“Discover new passions. Reawaken your emotions!” That is the motto of Calendar People. The objective? “To create a movement of people who wish to live with a smile in their heart.”

An inscription to their site brings reduced participation fees, free experiences and access to exclusive events.



Reactor for Swiss contemporary drama in the Italian language

Coordinated by Alan Alpenfelt and Mara Travella
With Matteo Luoni (Luminanza tutor)

Luminanza is a reactor - a force field - for Swiss contemporary drama in the Italian language. It is a platform for meetings and workshops, grounded in the reality of the Swiss and International theatre world, providing the possibility of discovering and deepening the art of dramatic writing over the course of a year. Luminanza was developed in conditions of reduced mobility, and is a reactor, a space for exchange, growth and invention.

Supported by: Pro Helvetia, Pro Grigioni italiano, Société Suisse des Auteurs, Oertli Stiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Fondation Jan Michalski, City of Lugano, Municipality of Chiasso, Municipality of Mendrisio.

Partner: LAC, FIT - Festival Internazionale del Teatro e della scena contemporanea, Teatro Coira, ChaissoLetteraria - festival internazionale di letterature, Fondazione Claudia Lombardi per il teatro, K10 - Kunzarchive, Centro Culturale Chiasso, Museo d’arte di Mendrisio, Teatro Sociale di Bellinzona.




OtherMovie Lugano Film Festival

OtherMovie Film Festival si pone come obiettivo quello di presentare una visione differente del cinema attraverso lungometraggi, documentari, cortometraggi e video arte. La sua vocazione è marcatamente interdisciplinare, multiculturale e plurilinguistica.

Il Festival vuole offrire un contesto importante ed autorevole alle proposte di autori emergenti della Svizzera italiana, dare voce a questi artisti che hanno molto da dire ma poco spazio per esprimersi. Oltre alle proiezioni di pellicole, OtherMovie Festival propone interessanti installazioni video e fotografiche, come pure tavole rotonde e conferenze sull’arte terapia e la psicologia. Combinando così arte e scienza per dare una lettura multi sfaccettata ed autentica a tutto ciò che è diverso, “altro”.

Scopri il programma dell'ArtHappening 2023
